Friday, April 8, 2011


Hi, there.

Above: Also, sup, heya, how you doin'?, what's crackalackin' and all of the other "hip-happening" greetings.

 Before you continue further, I have to warn you that this will not be an interesting blog. It will likely not even be colorful, creative, or even in the least bit fun. It's a distraction, and I both recognize and embrace it as such.

Now that you've decided not to heed my warning, you're stuck with me. Nice job, I'm sure you won't regret it in the future. A sixteen-year-old's social and educational problems are obviously the most important thing for you to be reading about right now, so you're obviously procrastinating, too. Good, we're in the same boat.

Above: "We are ze piraaaaates who don't do anything!"

(As I type this, I'm supposed to be writing an Extremely Important Essay to apply for an English/History hybrid class at my new school. Due to the fact that the essay question is "What is an American?", I have obviously written essays like this before. Unfortunately, I've never saved them, so I can't reuse them. This makes my life significantly more difficult as well as significantly more boring.)

So, about me.

Above: This is me. I am a beautiful and unique snowflake who will never again attempt to recreate plaid.

My name is Emma. I am nice. Usually. I am extremely self-conscious. I have no mental filter. My fear that psychics can see into my brain is on an equal level with the fear that someday, my brain will be required to process physics.

Above: My brain is dead. Get it? Brain-dead. Hahaha. Haha. Ha.

I go to School B, but soon I will be transferring to School A to repeat my Junior year because I'm completely incapable of getting through my educational experience without switching schools; somehow.  (I term them as such because I like School A better, so it gets a better grade.)

I enjoy shirking my responsibilities and doodling silly drawings on my computer. I like anime, but I have an intense disdain for about 92% of other fans. I find it extremely amusing to torment myself watching scary videos and short films, and I usually draw fan art that is as close to the original style as possible, so trying to come up with my own style on a whim is slightly disconcerting.

Not as disconcerting as being headbutted off of a building by a flying cow, but pretty close.

Above: The cow is red because Red Bull gives you wings. Or something.
I put myself into difficult positions and then whine about them. I whine about things like being ugly and then I resign myself to it. I whine about how much I whine. I love dogs, but I have a fear of cats. But I also like cats.

It's like this. I like cats, but I don't like cats. You feel me?

Above: How the general public perceives kitties.

Below: How a kitty looks when he has had his facade of fuzziness ripped from his face and  his evil demon-self comes out.

Cats are adorable, but they are also evil. You understand, right? Right?

...anyway, this blog is essentially a tool for me to complain, reminisce and also to complain. And to procrastinate, first and foremost. Or maybe it's last and tsomerof. Which is the opposite of foremost.

I'll shut up now.

(Also, this.)

Above: This is Rayven. She wanted to be in my blog, so here she is. (Also, it's prom season.)

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